Conquer Procrastination: Time-Blocking for Authors

procrastinate writing

It’s Time Management Month, a dedicated space on our calendar where we make it a goal to do better managing our time and increasing productivity. Besides busy lives and schedules, there’s this thing called procrastination that usually gets in the way. It’s easy to procrastinate writing, especially for new and indie authors. So how do you manage busy schedules and conquer procrastination? You harness the power of Time-Blocking.

Understanding Procrastination

Procrastination is a silent killer of dreams. It takes root in the absence of structure and the overwhelming nature of creative projects. Understanding the cause of procrastination and the reasons why you do it is the first step to overcoming its effects. Do you procrastinate because you secretly fear failure? Maybe it’s Imposter Syndrome. Whatever the reason, before you attempt the following time-blocking techniques, get to the root cause of why you procrastinate writing.

Time Blocking for Authors

Time-blocking is a technique where you assign specific blocks of time for various tasks and items on your to-do list. For new writers and authors, this means creating a dedicated space and time for writing, editing, and all the other activities that go into writing and self-publishing books. Continue reading for tips on how to implement time-blocking into your daily routine. The goal is to create a daily writing habit that will work to keep procrastination at bay.

Steps to Implement Time-Blocking:

  • Identify Your Priorities: Begin by recognizing the most critical writing tasks demanding your attention. Whether it’s drafting, revising, or research, understanding your priorities is key.
  • Allocate Time Blocks: With your priorities in mind, carve out distinct time blocks for each writing-related activity. Design your schedule to reflect the natural flow of your creative energy.
  • Be Realistic About Your Time: Be sure the time allocated for each task is realistic. This prevents the frustration of unfinished work and missed deadlines.
  • Create a Writing Ritual: Elevate your writing routine by establishing a pre-writing ritual for each time block. Whether it’s making a cup of tea, listening to inspiring music, or a hot bath, these rituals signal the start of focused creativity.
  • Minimize Distractions: During your dedicated writing time, make your writing sanctuary distraction-free. Turn off notifications, close unnecessary tabs, and create an environment that fosters concentration. And avoid social media.
  • Set Boundaries: Communicate your time blocks to those around you. Family and friends should be aware of your writing time.
  •  Include Breaks: Take short breaks between time blocks to prevent burnout and maintain focus.

Benefits of Time-Blocking for Authors

  • Increased Productivity: Time-blocking transforms your writing process, ensuring every minute is purposeful and contributes to your writing goals.
  • Reduced Procrastination: By breaking down tasks into manageable chunks and dedicating specific time to them, procrastination loses its foothold.
  • Enhanced Focus: With distractions minimized and a clear schedule in place, authors can immerse themselves in their work, leading to improved focus.
  • Better Balance Work-Life: Time-Blocking allows for a structured workday and a better work-life balance.

As we celebrate Time Management Month, let Time-blocking be your ally in the fight against procrastination. Understand why you struggle with procrastination when it comes to writing and begin creating a ritual. Think about the demands of your life outside of writing and be realistic about how much you can achieve. Time-blocking will take you the rest of the way. Once your manuscript is complete, contact I A.M. Editing, Ink and we’ll help to transform your rough draft into a literary masterpiece.